MILD® treatment for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Treatment Information

MILD® treatment for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

A MILD® procedure is an outpatient procedure for treating degenerative, age-related narrowing of the lower spinal canal.

This information will explain what it is, Dr. Singer can determine if it is for you.

What is lumbar spinal stenosis? A condition in which the lower spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal nerves in the lower back. Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a common, degenerative condition that is usually found in people over the age of 50. As we age, the spinal cord narrows, resulting in pressure on the spinal canal and nerves in the lower back. Best visualized as a "kink in a drinking straw," this compression can contribute to pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility, limiting your ability to stand or walk.

What are the causes of LSS? The natural wear and tear on the spine as people age can lead to a number of contributing factors that cause the narrowing of the spinal canal and create pressure on the spinal nerves: • Thickening of ligament tissue • Overgrowth of bone (osteoarthritis) • Bulging of discs

What are symptoms of LSS?

  • Pain or numbness in the lower back when standing upright;
  • Pain, numbness, heaviness or tingling in the upper legs or buttocks when walking;
  • Pain when lying down that may be relieved by curling into the fetal position;
  • Temporary relief when bending forward while sitting or standing as pressure on the spinal cord is released and space in the spinal canal is opened. Common actions include finding a chair, leaning over a shopping cart, or using a walker or cane.
How is LSS diagnosed? In addition to taking a medical history that includes a list of your symptoms, other tests may be performed to verify LSS: physical examinations to test mobility and X-rays, MRI or CT scans.

What is the MILD® procedure? The MILD® Procedure is an FDA-cleared minimally invasive treatment option that addresses a major root cause of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). LSS is primarily a degenerative, age-related narrowing of the lower spinal canal that causes symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling or heaviness when standing or walking in the low back, legs, or buttocks. The MILD® Procedure treats this condition by removing excess, thickened ligament tissue to restore space in the spinal canal and reduce the pressure on the spinal nerves. MILD® is an early treatment option to consider when conservative therapies such as physical therapy, pain medication, and chiropractic treatments do not provide adequate relief. The procedure can be performed through a single, tiny incision smaller than the size of a baby aspirin.

What happens during a MILD® procedure?

  • Specialized tools are inserted through a tiny incision in your back;
  • This removes small pieces of bone and excess ligament that cause the narrowing of the canal;
  • An imaging machine is used to ensure correct placement of the tools;
  • Restoration of the space in the spinal canal decreases the compression of the nerves;
  • This reduces pain and restores mobility.
What happens after the MILD®? The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting and does not require general anesthesia. Patients typically resume normal activity within 24 hours with no restrictions. You will be seen in the clinic again about one week to 10 days after your procedure.

How long can I expect pain relief? Within two weeks of treatment, you should expect to see improvements in pain reduction, increased mobility, and improved posture. The average results from the MILD® procedure include increased standing time from eight to 56 minutes, increased walking distance from 246 feet to almost 4,000 feet and a 53% reduction in pain.

This information is for general education only. Specific questions or concerns should always be directed to your doctor. Your doctor can explain possible risks or side effects.

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